Thursday, February 23, 2012

What does this dream I had mean?

I was floating down a river along with a bunch of gorillas and kangaroos. When I got too close to the gorillas they would push be toward the kangaroos which would immediately punch me in the face. I swam to shore where there was this little town performing a musical reenactment of the D-Day landings at Normandy during world war II. So I climbed up on the roof of one of the buildings to watch this play out but I had to leave the town because the boxing kangaroos had followed me onto the roof and they still wanted to kick my ***. SO I escaped the kangaroos by ducking inside a Chucky Cheese and hiding in the ball room underneath all those little colored plastic balls in that pit only the pit had no bottom and I kept sinking until I eventually landed on a giant dinner plate where a giant Rosie O'Donell was trying to stab me with a fork and eat me. That's when I woke up and my back hurt... could my dream be somehow related to my backpain?What does this dream I had mean?
Nothing.What does this dream I had mean?
wow, thats deep. i think you need some pizza.
Just say "No" to drug.What does this dream I had mean?
it sounds like you are in feer of having the @$#% kicked out of you and under a lot of stress too
i dont know what it means about your back sorry dude, but the dday might mean you could go to war. rosie o donnel is weird uhhWhat does this dream I had mean?
it means, don't eat pizza before you go to sleep. and those mushrooms you think are soooo good, aren't.
I think that you have a secret crush on Rosie O'Donell and the gorillas and kangaroos are actually you sub consiounce beating you up because you are so embarrased that you want to give Rosie O'Donell some good love.
it might be related to your backpain..but i seriously doubt it is that way..

Dreams are really complex most of the times..

Dreams are a by-product of what you experience throughout the day..

a few days back , i got a dream about me sitting in an examination..Thts when the exam week was

when u keep on thinking of some particular thing throughout a day, over a matter of few days OR something striking happens which influences you, these get registered in your brain.

when u sleep, the brain is virtually in a dormant state. However , the brain is not completely sleeping ; there are throught processes still going on in your brain (which we like to call dreams) ; these thought processes are the byproducts of your own i said before..

your dream could have been a by product of ur thoughts about your backpain and possibly a cartoon sequel that you might have watched say..2 days It can be anything..dreams are very complex to analyze.. :)
I don't know about eating red meat before you go to bed, (I dont think dat happunz to me because I didn't have a nightmare (if yours was even a nightmare) for like half a year in any severe way) but after having a dream like that............... . . .. ... . .


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.. . need pie.
this might be helpful

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