Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Should i work at chucky cheese?

i just turned 16 and i really need a job. do u think ill get hired at chucky cheese?

any other ideas on where to apply for a job?|||If you are still in school, some states require a work permit. Unless you are a good sized build, I do not recommend being one of the characters as it is hard on your back. If you are looking at restaurant work, just check with the hostess or cashier and they will have an application form for you to fill out.|||if you can deal with the following, go for it:

*dealing with the general public - they are pretty stupid

*dealing with kids - see the previous, but add sugar highs

*dealing with the problems of the general public

i worked in an arcade for 3 years, and you would be surprised how stupid and annoying people can be:

"mister, i put a quarter in the game and it doesn't work" - i would then point to the sign right next to the coin slot that says 50 Cents Per Play. or i would then point to the big flashing words on the screen that say "PRESS START BUTTON" and the big shiny glowing start button.

if you have a high tolerance for stupidity, go for it. Just a forewarning. besides - it's Chuck E Cheese - if you don't like it, you can always quit.|||Chuck e cheese is a good place and another good place is wegmans considering they start hiring at 15 ;)|||only child molester work there lol

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