Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Is 15 years old too old for a party at chucky cheese?

You see my friend is having her party there this weekend. Do you think she is too old to have her 15th birthday party there? thanks.|||No, as long as you don't try to go in the balls. I was about 15 and wanted to go into the balls, but some lady that worked there yelled at me :(|||This is probably one of the last times your friend will be able to have a party there. It's sad when you realize you're too old to enjoy it anymore. Especially when you realize you can't fit inside the tunnels anymore, lol. Let your friend enjoy the party and you should enjoy it too while you can. Next time you go, it will be with little siblings or with your own kids and you'll be sitting there wishing you were having fun in the toys again.|||I think so. Like if you were invited by a younger cousin or something to go to a chuck e cheese party then that's fun but if your 15 and your throwing a party there, then your a lil weird.

Don't ditch her tho, if your a good person just go to her party anyway, maybe it was all she could afford! i bet a lotta people won't go because it's kinda lame but you should go anyways just so she doesnt feel like a loser on her special day|||LMAO...well yeah of course she's too old..i mean i can see if it was just a few of her friends, and maybe some family..but if its like the whole shabang then thats a little weird haha...but she's prob loves chucky cheese, or hasnt been in a while...im 14 and i remember me and a few friends were really bored and we were walkin past chucky cheese, and we were just like what the hay lol..we went in and im telling u it was SO fun, i felt like a little little kid again, won a stuffed animal, and that pizza is bomb!|||i think ... yes. usually the people who go to the party at chuckycheese like that little games . But i think the 15 years boys and girls are in the age to dance and get to know new people or start having girlfriend or boyfriend. So that party will be a little out of place ....|||I think it's great! I had my 64th there and everyone had a ball! Remember, life is what you make of it. A party is a party anywhere you have it. Don't be a window geek, just let your hair down and enjoy the festivities.|||haha i think its funny :)

i know a lot of "older" people who have had parties there, but because of that, our chucky cheese stopped letting kids over 10 and under 18 to be there without and adult. sucks right!?

Have fun!|||yeah that's really kind of childish if you ask me. chucky cheese is more of a little kid thing. when you get to be 15 and everything you start having parties are restaurants, buffets, and places like that.|||im 12 and its kinda fun to go there with my friend...

but ovbs its a little babyish...

you can go there as like a joke! take pictures with ur friends for fun in the sketching thing! :)

if ur inviting a few ppl its okay... but if ur inviting like 15 ppl then its not okay.|||If you and your family enjoy Chucky then you might never be to old, so if your friend and her family enjoy Chucky then respect it and have fun.|||NOPE! No age is too old as long as you can still go to the play park|||My sister is 24 and she loves Chuck E. Cheese. We went there for her birthday. People, no matter how old they are, like different things. If you don't wanna go, just don't.|||Yeah I'd say so.

I mean, unless she's only going with 1 or 2 of her best friends. Because best friends can be REALLY idiotic together and get away with it.

But any more people than that is weird.|||yeah she's kinda old for chuckee cheese , but its ok its her birthday and she can do whatever she wants. that place can be fun for adults too so i'm sure it'll be just fine.|||HaHa..NO!!...I would so go to a party at chucky cheese if i were 15!!!|||I think it depends on the person and their maturity level.|||Well kinda but I love a party so I'd go and have fun anyway.|||YA GROW THE UP. jeses really shes having her bithday at chucky cheese. really get a new friend|||I think its kind of old to have it there but I guess it depends on the person and what they like|||Why not? Sometimes it is fun to be like a little kid again. Now if your friend were like 18 it would be kinda weird.|||nopeee!

u can never be to old to go to cec!

parttttys there are always cracking! hahaha!

i use to be the rat!

at cec! intill i got fired!

: [|||yes i think it is for like 8 year olds and younger|||UMMMMMMM YEAH.|||no i love chucky chessse|||Try going to Dave and Busters....|||Um yeah... the cut off is like 10|||Um yaaaa....Unless she is really kid-ish and likes those kind of things. :/|||I think that's a little too old. but hey! Adults can get beer there, so win for you!|||I think that's a little too old. I'd stop going there after the age of 9.|||yessss|||well ya i like its cinda old...

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